On the upside, I have been making so many things lately - I can't wait to share all my projects with you. Another plus, is that my PC has all our very cute old photos on it. I often think about blogging something, and realise the photo I want is across the living room and a 10 minute warm-up away!
Because I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, here is my baby... when she was a baby... oh how I miss having a milky sweet newborn in the house!
This little lady will be eight years old in a couple of weeks. What a delight she is... and has been since I first heard that reassuring heartbeat, Christmas Eve 2002. I had lain on the bed, waiting for the scan - counting dots on the ceiling and trying to hold back the tears. That heartbeat was the only Christmas present I needed that year... my much-wanted, desperately loved second baby was alive and well. We are truly blessed.