Monday 7 March 2011

People vs Stuff

My favourite thing today was that I gave some stuff away - for the second time in two days.  I gave it to people who really needed it.  And it didn't cost me anything, in fact, I found it rather freeing!

I spent the end of last week, and a good portion of the weekend, clearing out my kid's toys.  I only got through the boy's toys.  It was a very educational experience - would you like to know what I learned?
1. We have too much stuff.
2. We don't need so much stuff.
3. Most of that stuff is pointless.

My aim was to get rid of 50% of the boy's toys.  I've kept the lego, the train set, and Mr Potato Head.  Because I love him.  That's why. 

We have a birthday party coming up in a few weeks - Miss 5 will become Miss 6 - uh huh.  This year, our kid's parties are all about keeping it simple, about valuing people more than things, and celebrating the birth of a person who is so precious to our family.
That's it.  We'll be asking our guests not to bring gifts.  Our children have everything they need.

It's a u-turn for us, I have to admit.  I've always been a fan of big, all-inclusive parties.  I like my kids to enjoy their birthdays.  And to be very truthful, the gifts made me feel appreciated for all my hard work.  Not that the gifts were for me.  But that was what I felt.

Over the summer, my perspective has gradually changed.  I now look at all our stuff, and I realise just how obscene it is.  That we have a beautiful home, overflowing, bursting at the seams.  It's always a mess, because our stuff requires so much management.  I don't have time to be the "Chief of Stuff".  I have more important things to do. 

Girls room after 24 hours of me not tidying it!
 Not only that, but every time I feel the need to get out of the house, I hit the mall.  It's not that I buy expensive things, but all those little "specials" add up very quickly.  Our money escapes through my hands like water.  It's unintentional, and wasteful.
I want to be rich towards God.  I want to never come before Him empty-handed.  Yet so often, we are empty-handed because we handed over our money at the mall, the cafe, the takeaways.  We have so much, while in other nations, many have so little. 

I end this post with a not-great photo - because I left it about 4 hours late for the light... but check out these bad boys.  I really like them.  Any time I wear them, people compliment me.  I bought them on sale. 

With the grocery money. 

When I brought them home, Mr Leota asked if we could eat them.
They are the perfect example of superflous stuff.  Since I bought them a year ago, I've only worn them 5 times.

See you tomorrow xx

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your blog, Neva! Seriously. I get to work every day and the first thing I do is check for updates. Love this post especially… thanks for inspiring me xo
