Wednesday 16 March 2011

Taking One for the Team

What to do when the bedroom door is locked?  First, choose your skinniest child.  It helps if they are over 5 and fairly agile.  Next, have your husband insert child through the bathroom window.  Feet first is best.

Do you like my red socks?  They're from Country Road, they were given to me for the kids, but they fit my child-size feet.  Happy day.  They almost reach my knees and I love seeing them peeking out the top of my boots.  Check out that little pink butt.  There's not much to her, but she's crazy strong.  Monkey bars are her thing.  I can't support my own body weight long enough to get from one to the other!
This is why they need to be over 5 to complete such a critical mission.  Littlies tend to play with your jewellery box instead of getting on with the business of unlocking the door!

See that fuzzy spot at the lower left of the photo?  It was driving me mad, seeing that all the time.  Then my friend Carien mentioned it looked like something was wrong with my lens.  So I had a little look at my lens.  Duh.  There was a fingerprint.  A huge fingerprint.  Clear enough for any CSI to identify the perpetrator of such a heinous grime crime.  Problem solved.  Thanks Carien!

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